Didum Fernando - Personal Portfolio & Resume
Specialization: Machine learning &
web development
Based in: Singapore

Let's meet!

Computer Science


Check out my featured projects


Exploreonus is an educational platform with book reviews, coding tutorials, history videos, and facts, created in Secondary 2 to share my passion for learning.

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Medical Database App

This medical database was developed as part of a task assigned by Dr. Koo from the NUH Cardiology Unit.

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Project Nexus

Project Nexus is an all-in-one Platform to satisfy all your A level General Paper Needs.

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Structure Stack

Structure Stack is a compilation of data structures and algorithms, inspired by NUS's VisuAlgo, to help my peers and myself understand the concepts better.

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DiscoverHeritageSG is Singapore’s first AI-powered historical landmark app that provides interesting information about Singapore’s cultural and historical heritage which was a submission for Splash Awards in 2023.

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DiagnoEase is a Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior project, a web app using Machine Learning and OpenAI to assess heart disease risk based on health inputs.

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Student Database App

A student database for the school administrators to manage all the students’ data of the school easily.

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VR Game

A VR game developed using Unity and C# for the Game on with Virtual Reality module at Ngee Ann Poly.

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Let's make something awesome together!


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Want to know more about me, tell me about your project or just to say hello? Drop me a line and I’ll be happy to connect.